Pray to the lizard?
Live Performance from New England Conservatory Pierce Hall, 5/11/22
Runtime: 0:09:31:00
Digital Animation from Ink on Paper Pieces with Piano Performance
Ari Chais: Piano
Ink on paper pieces used to create animation:
Poem in full:
Remember the perfect, pink, plump, princess from p…? p…
(“you don’t fit in my purse”)
I pray, pray, pray that she’ll fucking go away!
(“…you don’t fi-AAAAAAAA”)
laughing lizardacious licks
with lusciousssss lipsssss
their hearty lizard meal.
mmmmmman and wife…
she is 100 d-
sticks i mean… 100 sticks in the mud!
stacked cross-cross
the foundation of our house.
oh not our lizard god!
who art in the slimy earth
hollow be thy name.
wafer please?
Okay then…
she’ll bleed out again.
she’ll bleed out more.
I just wanted to give you space, froggy doggy
to be as slimy and silly as you always wanted to be.